Why Your Soil Might Need To Have Lime Added To It
Lime is often added to soil to improve its characteristics. This is especially important if you are developing your property or engaging in landscaping. Your soil can become surprisingly strong after it has undergone lime stabilization.
The Effects of Lime on Your Soil
When lime has been added to soil, it becomes more workable and develops load-bearing characteristics. You might decide to modify or stabilize the soil. Clay soil that has a lot of plasticity can benefit the most from lime stabilization. However, you can also improve fine-grain soil with lime.
Lime is especially important if you are engaging in construction. When your soil is not stable, you can have problems with your construction equipment. Even if you are engaging in some landscaping, you might discover that you need to add lime to your soil after you have had it tested.
Why You Need Your Soil Tested
It's always a good idea to send a sample of your soil to be tested. You will then receive a soil report that will tell you how much lime needs to be added to your soil. How much lime you need to have added to the soil depends on the type of soil you have.
How to Apply Lime
It's best to add lime to your soil in the fall or spring. This will give the lime enough time to break down and the rain and the freeze-thaw cycle will help with this process. However, you will not want to apply lime to your lawn when it is stressed.
Types of Lime
There are several types of lime you can use for soil stabilization. These include quicklime, lime slurry, and hydrated lime. Calcitic lime is the best type of lime to add because it provides additional benefits to the plants in your soil by adding calcium. The lime might be pulverized or it might come in the form of pellets. You will simply need to apply the lime to all of your soil to achieve the benefits of lime stabilization.
The Impact of Lime on Your Soil
The lime reacts to components found in the soil and forms calcium silicate hydrates and calcium aluminates. This leads to more plasticity and there is less swelling. The soil will not hold as much moisture and will become more stable. Therefore, you will not have to worry about the impact that the weather has on any work you are doing on your property.